4 Leather Crafting Tips for Every Beginner
Everyone was once a beginner in everything they do, no matter how much of an expert they are now. If you are just getting started with leather crafting or doing it for the first time, you can check out a leather workshop Singapore for beginner tips to keep you safe. Here are some of the things you should keep in mind;
Be Careful When Cutting
Leatherwork involves a lot of cutting out and shaping. This could be risky and cause major accidents. To prevent this from happening, you want to always be extra careful. Especially when you are just starting out and don’t even know how to use some tools; Cut in the opposite direction away from your body, always use a sharp needle, and never bent or broken tools
Keep Fingers away from Tools
Still, in being careful, leatherwork involves a lot of finger work. For the most part, you will be using your fingers to ensure that the cutout comes out perfectly. To prevent suffering accidents and minor injuries, make sure you keep your fingers away from the tools as much as possible.
Clean up Afterwards
The unwritten rule of thumb, clean as you go. Or rather clean after working. The same goes for leather crafting. It is not right to leave everything scattering on your working table when you are done. You want to keep your tools and supplies away and safe, don’t get injured with a misplaced needles
Your tools might cause damage to each other due to squeezing in a single box. Make sure to keep them in their respective places. You also want to get your working area ready for the next work-time you will be working.
Light your Work is Properly
The detailing, crispness, carving, cutting, and all the other delicate actions required in leather crafting need enough lighting to be carried out effectively and efficiently. Not only do you need light for a great and high-quality final item but also for your safety. The last thing you want is to cut your fingers.